Stuck in a tedious inefficient process for managing your business?
Does that sound familiar to you?
We have the perfect solution!

Onecycle has set out to revolutionize the way raw materials trading is done. We have spent years working closely with our partners and customers to develop a unique system that is perfectly tailored to the raw materials industry and solves the real problems raw materials traders face.
By pairing our expertise in process innovation and digital product development with the decades of experience of our customer base, onecycle creates a unique work experience that gives raw materials traders the tools to realize their full potential and transform their business.
Lauritz Fenselau
Head of Product at onecycle

3 steps to unlock your full potential in
raw materials trading
Status Quo Analysis
In the initial meeting we analyze the status quo of your business processes, see where they could be enhanced and possibly define a rollout plan to achieve the specific goals for your business.
In order to guarantee a smooth transition during ongoing day-to-day business, a gradual transition of the individual process sections to onecycle takes place. Especially in larger organizations, this gives employees the time to adjust to the new process without additional stress.
Unleashing potential
Onecycle adapts with you to the new challenges of the market and changes in the workplace. Onecycle not only stays up to date with regulatory changes, but is also constantly being further developed with new features to support your business even better.
Full focus on the
productive work - driving sales!

Are you ready to transform your business?

More sales with less effort
Process your orders much faster and more efficiently with onecycle. Avoid errors before they happen with intuitive inputs, intelligent system checks, and automated workflows.
Increased profits through insightful analytics
Know at any time, with just a few clicks, where your business stands and which employee is performing how. Evaluate your results according to customers, turnover, material, margin and numerous other important KPIs to make the right decisions in time.

No hassles – more capacity
Focus your freed-up resources on your actual business instead of formalities thanks to onecycle.
Better team moral through productive work
Onecycle links the individual departments and task areas into a well-run process.
What hardware do we need for onecycle?Onecycle works independently of any operating system on any internet-enabled device. We take care of the hosting. So you can do business with any device, anywhere in the world, at any time.
How many employees can use onecycle?Onecycle scales with your business, whether you have one employee or one hundred.
When can we get started with onecycle?Immediately! Onecycle is directly available and can be activated for you right away.
Is our data secure?Onecycle has been developed with the highest standards of data security and uses the latest security technologies. Your data is hosted for you on German servers in Frankfurt am Main in a loss-proof manner in accordance with the EU Data Protection Regulation.